Step3:Click on NIELIT,and further select NIELIT Facilitation Center.
Step4:Fill all the required details such as infrastructure details,etc.
Step5:Accept the declaration.
Step6:Make the payment of registration the fee through csc wallet.
Process Flow for Registration of Students in Diffirent Courses Offered by NIELIT
STEP1: Login to Digital Seval Portal through respective User ID and password
Step2:Click on eduction under services section
STEP3:Click on NIELIT,and further select NIELIT Courses
Step4:VLE will be direccted to dasbord of NIELIT Student SERVICE for CSC SPV For selection of desired services and courise select the preferred course from the drop down menu
Step5:Then click on Fill Form option and fill all the required details for registration. Then clicek on submit option
Step6: Note down the application number of registered student and take print of the form
Step7: Select CSC SPV under payment option
Step8:Enter the Damend Note number
Step9: Make the Payment throught CSC Wallet
Benefits of NIELIT Facilitation Center for VLEs
.VLE,s CSC center will become NIELIT Facilitation center and he/she can teach the candidates for ACC, BCC ,CCC, CCC+ and ECC at your NIELIT Center.
.VLE,s CSC can use NIELIT,s logo.
.VLE,s center name will appear on the certificates of your candidates.
.VLE CAN charge any amount for study but they have to pay the examintion fee to NIELIT.
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology(NIELIT)
National Institute of Electronics and information Technology(NIELIT) is an autonomous scientific society that professional edution throught non-formal sector.
Objective:To be the leader in the development of industry oriented qquality eduction and tarining and be the country,s premier Insittion for examination and certification in the field of information.
National institute of Electronics and information Technology (NIELIT) And CSC SPV joined hands to make CSC as facilition center of NIELIT.
The servies provied by CSC are as below: .online Registration/ fee Collection of students
.Online Examination form submission
.Priting of Exam Admit CARD
The NIELIT courses which are available throught CSC are:
.Course on computer concepts(CCC)
.BASIC Computer course(BCC)
. NIELIT”O’ Level Course
.NIELIT’A’Level Course
.NIELITB’ C’ Level Course
Frequently asked Questions –FAQS
Q-Is the courses offered by the NIELIT,are recognized by the Government?
Ans-YES, Level O/A/B is duly recognized by GOVT.of india.Recognition of C level is under process.
Q-What is the required eligibility of VLE to register for NIELIT facilition center?
Ans-Required eligibility criterion for VLE to register their CSC as NIELIT Facilitation center is:
.He/she must be NIELIT CCC or MCA/M.Sc(computer Science)BE/B. TECH/NIELIT O/A/B/C QualifierBCA/PGDCA qualifier.
.CSC CENTER should have proper infrastruction and required furniture
.VLE must have 5-10 computer with proper internet connectivity.
.Proper enviroment for students.
Q-What is registration fee for VLE to register for NIELIT Facilication center?
Ans-Registration fee which is required to be submitted by VLE TO establish his/her CSC Center as NIELIT Faclitation center is Rs 8260
Q-What is the VLE commission?
ANS-Commission for VLE as facilitation center of NIELIT is.
.Online form submission and fee collection Rs 38.50
.Examination form submission,fee collection and printing of Admit Card:Rs.21.
Q-What is Course on computer concepts (CCC)?
Ans-The computer literacy programme of the Society is an outcome of the recommendation of national Task Force on information . Technology and Software Develoment. this course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man. after completing the course the incumbent should be able to the use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his/her personal/ business letter viewing information on internet (the web) reciving and sending mails , preparing small deatabases etc. this helps the small business communties, housewives etc. to maintain their small account using the computetrs and enjoy in the world of information Technology.
Q-What is duration of CCC coures?
Ans-Normal the CCC course duration is 80 hours (Theory)25 hours+ practical:+Tutorial 5 hours.)
Q-what are the minimum age required for applying for CCC Examination?
Ans-Since this is a course on computer appreciation, there is no minmum or maximum age limit for applying for CCC Examination.
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