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Odisha: CM Yojana Big Update | Odisha News

A great update has come from the Odisha government, big news has come in which friends, a new scheme is going to come, whose name is CM Yojana, meaning Chief Minister Yojana, through which every farmer brother will get two installments in a year

Odisha Kisan Big News

The BJP government of Odisha, that is, the great government, is coming up with a new scheme very soon, which is called CM Kisan Yojana. It is going to be brought very soon for the farmer brothers and they have also posted on Instagram and Twitter, how much money is going to be received on which installment and how much the farmer brothers and without kiss, that is, landless brothers and sisters are going to get, let’s see the details, everything is written below.

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  • All the farmer brothers of Orissa will get ₹4000 annually, that too directly in the director’s account, meaning director transfer, DBT ₹4000 annually, CM Yojana, Orissa

This money will be available twice a year, that too during festival time, first you buy something Nuaa khai time and second you have akhaturtiya it, in these two times you will get ₹ 2000 and 4000 yearly,

  • Landless people will get ₹12500 annually. This is the guarantee of the BJP government. They should tell clearly that whoever is landless will get ₹12500 annually on nuaakhia time and at the time of akhaTritiya.
  • All the farmer brothers who are not getting the money till now, they will also be able to apply afresh. This is the new BJP government’s farmer land. Those who want to apply afresh and who are not getting the money will also be able to apply here.
  • Those people whose name is not yet on the CM kisan will be able to apply afresh and they will get Rs 4000 to Rs 12500 annually. Those who have land will get Rs 4000 annually and those who do not have land will get Rs 12500 annually.

How to apply new kisan & land less kisan

This Kam Yojana has just been modified, like the Kalia Yojana which was there in the earlier times has been modified and made into a Kam Yojana. So the people who were getting money earlier, they don’t have to do anything. People who were not getting money or whose name was not there, they can add their name afresh, can get a new registration done, can apply online and can get Rs. 4000 to Rs. 12500 per annum. You just have to apply and the money will be directly credited to your account. You can get Rs. 1000 per annum in two installments.

By clicking on this link, you will be able to know whether the Odisha government is actually bringing this or not. It has been clearly stated here. Here on the INSTAGRAM Odisha BJP4Odisha page, it has been stated that this scheme is going to be very big for Odisha farmers. So, you must check this post once.

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