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CSC VLE: Subhadra Yojana, Online Apply

Through this article you will know how to apply in Subhadra Yojana and what is its eligibility criteria, who can apply for it, offline form will also be available, PDF guideline form will also be available, PDF CSC vle for brothers

A great update has come from CSC SPV Odisha. Every rally is being told that to work in Subhadra Yojana, you will have to fill a Google form and there will be a meeting in your block area, you will have to attend it, you will have to know about Subhadra Yojana, you will have to be active, only then you will be able to work in it, so in this article we have told everything in detail, what work is going to be done, what is the eligibility criteria, who will be able to apply for this, how people have to apply by filling the form in Subhadra Yojana at the digital center, complete details

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  • The Odisha government has brought this scheme for all the women citizens of Odisha. Only women will be able to apply here.
    • And this application process will be done by the block office operator and CSC center, Mo Seva Kendra, all these people will be able to apply online, by filling the form of all the palaces of Odisha, they will be given the opportunity to take advantage of the Subhadra scheme, whoever applies, all of them will get the benefit of this scheme

This scheme is eligible for all the women of Odisha. Their age should be between 21 to 59 years and they should be married. This is targeted for those who do government jobs. This is not for them. After looking at the economic and financial aspects, the BJP government has come up with this scheme. Through this, all the poor welfare women of Odisha are being given some financial support, through which all the poor women can move forward and in this, one person in a family will get the benefit of Subhadra Yojana.

To apply for this, you just need to have an Aadhaar card and a bank passbook and your mobile number. With just this, you will be able to apply for this Subhadra scheme. Yes, but here you have to pay attention to one thing that your mobile number should be linked to your Aadhaar card. Your Aadhaar card should be linked to your bank passbook and at the time of linking between your bank passbook and Aadhaar card, there should be a Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for money to come directly to your account. If all this is fine, then you will get the money after applying for the Subhadra scheme. So you have to keep in mind that everything that I have mentioned in your documents should be clear.

Its application will start from September only. From now on, this CSC VLE meeting is going on at the block level. There are many places where the meeting has already taken place and many places where it is going to take place now. So all the CSCs of Odisha, you all should attend. Wherever you are called for the meeting, go there and attend it because you will get a little more information. Only then will you be able to work faster and more and more people will be able to apply here. So this application will start from the month of September. So for these days, learn something, know whatever is called, do it online, the form is of Google, only then you will be able to do this work.

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