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Apple: iPhone Call Recording Enable | IOS 18.0

APPLE IPHONE, iphone ios 18.0, apple iphone new update, iphone update, ios 18.0, iphone,

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There is a very good news for all iPhone users. In the latest update that we have received, we have got the option of call recording. With this update, we will be able to record calls and many more updates have come. iPhone has brought a lot of new future, new service and new look for us. With this new update, how will we turn on the call recording option? What is the new update? We will know all this below.

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Before enabling the call recording option, it is very important for us to know one thing that just like it works on Android and as per the Government Guidelines Policy, just like it works on Android, call recording will work on Apple iPhone as well. As soon as we talk on a call and click on the call recording option, the other person will come to know that it is recording our call, it is recording our conversation, meaning the other person will be told that this call is being recorded, just like it happens on Android, similarly it works on Apple iPhone as well.

Before enabling the iPhone call recording option, let us know a little about the new feature of the new iPhone update, such as the highlight feature that we get to see in the camera, like earlier we did not get the option to posed, now we will be doing camera recording and we get the option to access the time, like we will not have to record another clip again and again, we will reach the time we want to posed, it will be automatically saved from there and we will also be able to become a jogi with the new feature, it has brought a very big feature, now it is a very good feature in which all the people with iPhone who make videos, it is a very good thing for them.

Apple has sent the ios 18 update to all the iPhone users. All those who have updated, everyone’s mobile phone has been updated with a new future, new look and new design. You can update by checking your software update option. You will get to know about the update because the new phone has come with a new design and new future. It is user friendly to operate, works very fast and smoothly and its battery backup is quite good in this software. Now let’s talk about how to enable the call recording option.

Call recording option has arrived on all iPhones. Those whose mobile phones have been updated to iOS 8.0.1, this call recording option has arrived on all those devices. They will have to update to iOS 18.0.1 because 18.0 update has arrived on many Apple iPhone devices and many people have not received 18.0.1 update on their devices. This test is going on at the beta level. Those who want to download the beta can do so. Those who want to wait a little for the stable version and want to use the global version, they will have to wait for a few days to use the call recording option. After waiting for a few days, your mobile phone will get the iOS 18.0.1 update, then the call recording option will also come on your mobile phone and many other things will be developed on your phone. Those who are in a hurry to do call recording can go to the beta and download and install it. Those who want to wait a little for the global stable version, they should wait for a few days, it will come. After updating, your iPhone will come. This is how calls are enabled. On the recording option, you also have to update and enable the call recording option

To know about the new iOS update, you can visit the official website given below to know about Apple iPhone update, you can talk to customer care on Apple official website, you can mail, you will get the complete details, those who want to know more information about this,

apple official

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